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Who Are These People?

By: Kacie Starr Long

The lights were dimmed but the room shone brightly.

My eyes and heart tried to take in everything that was happening. The various sights and varying sounds. The praise leader paced up and down the platform, encouraging us to worship and cry out to God. I tried to discern the sounds of the women around me -- some in travail, others quietly praying with their arms lifted in surrender. There were also radical women waving brightly colored flags on each side of me, dancing in freedom. They were all smiling as they worshipped and sang. And then there was Holly, my small group leader, barefoot and seven months pregnant whizzing by me with a blue flag in jubilant praise.

Who are these people? I wondered in amazement.

Some of the women I knew their names since this wasn't my first Jewel Warrior women's conference. However, even after 2+ years of worshipping and praying with many of these women each year, I would find myself throughout the 48 hours of the women's conference, laughing in amazement as I wondered aloud,

Who are these people?

I remember reading a local Pastor's Facebook post one day as she recounted the supernatural faith and strength of several Christians she knew who had endured significant trials and hardships. Astounded at their resilience and determination to trust God, despite their circumstances, she wrote:

Who are these people?

Have you ever encountered individuals in your life that seem to be cut from a different cloth? You hear their testimonies watch from afar their falls, and missteps, only to see them rebound and get back up once again?

Who are these people?

As Christians who know and love God, we are 'these' people. We make mistakes, we sin, we disappoint God...we experience hardships, brokenness, and sickness because we live in a fallen world; yet despite the pain, agony, and difficulties, our faith ultimately leads us back to God. It is not always linear, but God's complete love and care always draw us back to Him.

During the Jewel Warrior conference, many of the women shared their testimonies of hope and courage. Some suffered sexual abuse, divorce, abuse, trauma, years of believing lies about God, prostitution, and incarceration...yet in time they felt the hand and power of God to get back up again to follow God and continue in their faith.

As I heard story after story, I couldn't help but think:

Who are these people?

Well, friends, these people are you and me.

Broken and redeemed.

Lost and found.

Insecure but now secure in God's love.

We each have a great opportunity to allow our lights to shine and to walk in the knowledge and power of knowing who we are fully in God, and when we do this, people can't help but realize that something is different about us. They can't help but be drawn to us and inquire about what makes us different.

We are 'those' people.

In Acts 4:13 the Jewish leaders found themselves amazed at the courage and boldness of Peter and John. Despite these two disciples not having any formal education, they knew without a doubt after hearing these men speak, that they had been with Jesus.

The Jewish rulers couldn't help but wonder 'who are these people' concerning Peter and John, but after hearing them they knew that they were followers of Jesus Christ.

May it be like that for you and me.

Regardless of our education, religious denominations, economic status, or our past, may our redeemed lives speak loudly and clearly for us. May our lights shine so brightly for God, may we be so on fire and walking in pure love toward others, that people can't help but inquire, Who is she? Where did she come from? And how can I get to know her God?

The Bible says that we are living epistles seen and known by men. This means, others will know God and His love through the way we live our lives.

Are you ready to live fully for God?

Are you ready to serve as the hands and feet of God?

Are you ready to live a life not in perfection, but in faithful commitment to God, that people can't help but know that there is something different about you?

I believe you are ready, and I believe that is God's plan for you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this article. God has called you to stand out for Him. He has called you to let your light shine. To dance barefoot and run around (spiritually or naturally) pregnant, full of God's purpose.

Who are these people?

YOU are these people.

Shine bright. Love God. Be bold. Have zeal undergirded with knowledge and be prepared for God to use you to draw people to Him.

This article was published in Jewel Warrior, a Christian women's online devotional. Please subscribe to receive encouraging devotionals each day from women from around the world.

Hi, my name is Kacie Starr Long. I am an author, speaker and I love to use my voice to point people to Jesus. When I'm not writing, I'm either working out at Orange Theory Fitness or sewing. God delivered me from food addiction and I have a sewing ministry, called the Sew Hope Community Sewing Room . I am the proud wife of Alfred T. Long, Sr and together we lead a non-profit that serves prisoners and their families. Connect with me at and via my YouTube page for Christian teachings and encouragement.

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