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Giving Our Dreams Oxygen

By: Kacie Starr Long

Kacie Starr Long at Sew Hope Uganda
Me, pictured with kids from Sew Hope - Uganda

Recently, my Pastor preached about Uncommon Dreams; these are dreams that are so outrageous and big that you know they have been conceived by God.

These types of dreams will not only bless you, but they will also bless others and bring God glory.

Upon my return from Africa, my mind has percolated with a myriad of new and old God-sized dreams. Fantastic, fun dreams that contain a deep well of desires, hopes and ambitions on how to serve, love, bless and tell people about Jesus Christ.

While encouraged, and intrigued from my Pastor's message about how God gives us these uncommon dreams, I was also challenged and convicted by the need to get honest, and real and to write out my dreams on paper, so I could see them and believe them.

During the message, my Pastor referenced Habakkuk 2:2:

"Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it."

I realize, I have neglected to write out my God given dreams due to fear.

I am quick to jot prayer points in a journal that derive from a dream, for instance, I may write:

"Lord, help me to one day have an orphanage in Africa"

But, the idea of writing out a dream list or making a vision board with all my dreams, and not just a few prayer points has seemed too daunting and scary.

I remember a friend sharing how she created a bucket list, and celebrates each time she completes something off her bucket list.

I realize that while there are areas I am strong in my faith, there are also deficient areas where I can be strengthened.

The Fear of Writing Out Dreams

It's as if the idea of bringing to pen and paper, the secret dreams God has placed in my heart is too scary, or too frightening to see on paper.

Seeing it on paper makes the dream real, and what happens if my real dream written on paper never happens?

I have rationalized that if I at least keep the dream hidden in my heart, no one will know, and if it never materializes, the un-materialized dream will just be between me and God and not anyone else.

Can you identify with my rationale or is this concept completely foreign to you?

Are you someone that has failed to write out your dreams because of fear, or unbelief? Or are you like my dear friend, who is free-spirited, unhindered and ready to unload a bucket of unrelenting, dream quests with God?

After being challenged by my Pastor that particular Sunday to write out my dreams, I came home from church, plopped down on my couch, grabbed a notebook and furiously wrote out my God inspired dreams.

Yes, my heart palpitated.

Yep, anxiety tried to grip my heart with all kinds of questions, and disbelief.

How would this particular dream be possible? Entered my mind more times than I could count.

Where would the money come from? Resonated with every idea.

How could this dream work? How would God get my from Point A to Point B?

Blah, Blah Blah.

I nearly wore myself out by writing out my dreams, and rebuking the enemy's doubts and unbelief --- it was like a game of Wack-a-mole, but I kept writing until I felt God was finished.

Our dreams need oxygen.

Our dreams need to breathe and receive air.

Our dreams need to live beyond our mind and our heart. When we write them down, they receive air and they can live and receive life.

Let's Pass the Test

As I wrote out my dreams, that Sunday on my couch, I felt like I passed a test.

Baptisms during my mission trip to Uganda

In John 6, Jesus tests Philip when it comes to feeding the 5,000 hungry folk.

In the scripture, Jesus scans the crowd, he knows that the people who have come to hear Him are hungry. He tests Philip with a question, and asks:

"Where can we buy bread to feed all of these people?"

Jesus already knows the answer.

Jesus knows that He is the source and He is going to feed the people multiplying fish and bread, but yet He tests Philip to see what is inside him; to see where is Philip's faith.

As I wrote out my dreams, I had to mentally and spiritually swat away the thoughts of doubt and unbelief.

I had my imaginary Wack-a-mole hammer, beating away the ugly moles that popped up behind each and every dream I wrote out on paper.

Philip didn't respond too well to Jesus' question about how they were going to feed the 5,000 hungry folk. Philip started looking at himself, his own resources and the resources of others. He failed to truly see that he was standing next to Jesus Christ...the Source of everything. Everything that would be needed to feed the people, was right there with him through Jesus Christ.

Friend, everything you need to fulfill the God-sized, uncommon dream placed in your heart is with you.

God is with you.

And because He is with you, He has given you everything you need to accomplish the dreams placed in your heart.

You aren't too old, too young. Too black, or too white. You aren't too brown, too 'woman', too 'man', too rich, too poor, too used up, too tired, too sick, too this or too that. God has anointed YOU to birth out His dream through your life.

Will you take God's hand and trust Him?

I don't have all the answers, I don't know how God is going to bring to fulfillment the many uncommon dreams He has placed in my heart; but I am committed to doing this:

I have given my dreams oxygen, and I am going to work my faith. This looks like rolling up my spiritual sleeves, and putting faith to action. I trust that God has called me, He has anointed me -- just as He has called and anointed you--- I'm going to be prayerful, diligent and faithful to putting my faith in action, so these God -sized, uncommon dreams may be birthed for His glory.

While in Uganda, I had the opportunity to share God's word

Hi, my name is Kacie Starr Long. I am an author, and speaker and I love to use my voice to point people to Jesus. When I'm not writing, I'm either working out at Orange Theory Fitness or sewing. I'm in recovery from compulsive overeating and I have a sewing ministry, called the Sew Hope Community Sewing Room. I am the proud wife of Alfred T. Long, Sr and together we lead a non-profit that serves prisoners and their families. Connect with me at and via my YouTube page for Christian teachings and encouragement.

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