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God Knows Where You Are

Writer's picture: Kacie Starr LongKacie Starr Long

By: Kacie Starr Long

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

I am going to get right to the point.

The purpose of this article is to share a poignant message: God will provide.

As we are in a season of gratitude and thankfulness, I want to share how God miraculously provided provision in my life that is both supernatural and awe-inspiring. In order to really appreciate what I am going to share, I must backtrack a bit.

In 2014, I was fired from an agency that had hired me as its consultant. I was fired because news began to circulate that in my previous career, as a local politician, I had embezzled campaign funds. The agency didn't publicly announce that I had been fired. (They were kind enough to call me privately and request that I resign, and if I didn't they would fire me - ack!)

Not one for drama, I quickly resigned and that culminated the end of me receiving steady, stable income from an employer.

The end of a steady paycheck, rocketed me into entrepreneurship.

Right now entrepreneurship is marketed as glamorous, sexy, whimsical and powerful. But I came into entrepreneurship kicking and screaming.

I wanted the safety of having a reliable paycheck every two weeks.

The idea of "eating what I hunt" with my hands was not appealing.

Entrepreneurship has taught me full-time reliance on the provision and hand of God.

I can say, 10 years into the game that God has been good.

There aren't many days where I am shaking my proverbial fists at God like, "Where are you!?"

But there have been some close calls.

But even with the close calls -- God has always provided.

Throughout these ten years, your girl has never missed a meal, I've always had clothes to wear and gas in my tank.

(And yes, there have been times where I have eaten food, I didn't want to necessarily eat; I've been to food pantries, purchased clothes second hand or sewed them; and there have been times I have driven my car on what seemed like fumes). But the point is: I have made it and I am making it.

Recently, God opened the door for me to travel to London next month, as part of a team of local entrepreneurs from St. Louis. The purpose of this trip is to build business relationships and scale our businesses to potentially export products in Europe. I was excited to be part of this global delegation. I saw it as a great opportunity to launch products made by our kids in Sew Hope Uganda, and our sister school in Beira, Mozambique. However, in order to take advantage of this opportunity, I needed $1,000.00 to pay for my airfare.

Upon acceptance into this program, I immediately asked if there were any travel scholarships. I hadn't heard of any, nevertheless, the seed of faith inside me required me to ask.

There were no travel scholarships.

Undeterred, I made the decision to keep moving in faith.

I told my team, I would be leaving for London in two months, and I began to mentally prepare and pack my bags for this unprecedented business trip.

One day while eating breakfast, I felt that God wanted me to sit with Him and not distractedly scroll social media as I ate my oatmeal, so I did just that.

I told God, how the deadline to purchase my airline ticket was in one week, and I needed a supernatural move by Him to bring me the provision. The money coming in through Sew Hope was just enough to cover our expenses and so I needed help (or "miracle money" as my Mom says.)

I received a phone call from a friend.

I am standing with other members of the Global Delegation to London

She and I hadn't chatted in awhile and she began to remind me of a previous conversation, where her church had expressed interest in helping Sew Hope by purchasing 10 new sewing machines for our shop. She stated that her church was ready to commit to this, and she would have a meeting with her church committee the next day to get approval.

I was very grateful for her phone call.

Having 10 new sewing machines would certainly be a blessing at the shop. I thanked her, ended the call and finished my breakfast.

Later that day, I felt God, nudge my heart about calling her back and telling her about my most urgent need -- a plane ticket to London which could potentially scale our business and products in Europe.

Long story short, I called my friend and explained my need. I told her how appreciative I was for the sewing machines, but what was really needed, were finances to purchase my plane ticket. My friend listened and offered to share my request with the church committee.

The next day, she called with good news.

Not only had her group agreed to provide the finances for the plane ticket to London, but her church had also agreed to purchase the 10 sewing machines for our shop!

How incredible is that?

I've learned through this experience and so many others, that God has a myriad ways of bringing blessings to His children.

Whether you are working a 9-5 job, depend on social security, living off of you hard earned retirement and/or savings, I pray my testimony encourages you to know: that God sees you, He loves you and He knows exactly how to bring provision and resources to you.

Being an entrepreneur for 10 years has taught me humility, and the honor and holiness of depending on God as my Source. Yes, I do my "job" of using my gifts and talents to work hard every day, but when I do all that I can, and there yet remains a need, God is faithful to provide.

Perhaps you have a need and you just don't know how God is going to provide. May I encourage you to sit with God, ask Him for your next steps and trust that He sees you and knows exactly where you are.

"And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?" Matthew 6:30

"... You do not have because you do not ask God." James 4:3

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us" Ephesians 3:20

"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8

Kacie's Newest Book Available for Pre-Order

PS: If you haven't heard, my latest book "Inspired: 40 ish Devotions for the Woman who Enjoys Laughter, Strength and Encouragement is now available for pre-orders. You can learn more by clicking here.

Hi, my name is Kacie Starr Long. I am an author, and speaker and I love to use my voice to point people to Jesus. When I'm not writing, I'm either working out at Orange Theory Fitness or sewing. I'm in recovery from compulsive overeating and I have a sewing ministry, called the Sew Hope Community Sewing Room. I am the proud wife of Alfred T. Long, Sr and together we lead a non-profit that serves prisoners and their families. Connect with me at and via my YouTube page for Christian teachings and encouragement.

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Nov 20, 2023

Wow… Kacie this is such a beautiful story that it has brought me to tears.. I would love to speak to you more about your recovery from overeating… You are such a humble spirit.

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