By: Kacie Starr Long
I recently returned from a two-week mission trip to Kampala, Uganda with Camp David International. During my time in Kampala, I had the opportunity to help lead the Jewel Warrior conference, a special conference for formerly incarcerated women; visit incarcerated women inside the Luzira women's prison, love on children who have an incarcerated parent at Wells of Hope Ministries, and preach a message at the Titus 2 conference, for women interested in becoming foster parents and/or mentors to teen girls with a parent in prison.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the various ways God spoke to my heart and revealed messages that deepened my faith and trust in Him throughout my trip. I hope through these examples, that God stirs your faith and deepens your trust in Him too.
God Provides in Unlikely Ways and through Unlikely People
This was my third trip to Uganda and fourth trip to Africa. Because of God's track record of
faithfulness in my life, I know not to automatically say, 'I can't go on a mission trip' due to the cost, yet every time, I'm unsure exactly how I am going to pay for my trip.
I hate asking people for money, oftentimes I wish God would just rain down money from the sky but He hasn't done that yet. Instead He has brought in money for my mission trips through unexpected ways and through unexpected people.
One year, someone gave me a very expensive sewing machine that I didn't need, I was able to sell that sewing machine and purchase my plane ticket to Africa. This year, God had me write out a list of specific people for me to call and ask them to financially support me for my mission trip.
Everyone I asked to support me said yes. Then there were others that I didn't ask, yet knew that I was going on a mission trip, and they sent me money. There were some people who sowed that I had never met before. Two members from my team sowed money into my trip. One team member sowed $50 and another team member sowed $500.00.
Their generosity wowed me, because they were fundraising themselves, yet heard from God and sowed into my trip. I share this example to build your faith: God is faithful and He can use unlikely people and unlikely situations to bring forth a blessing.
Use What You Have
During my trip, I was able to meet two formerly incarcerated women who are involved in a micro finance program with Wells of Hope Ministries. They provide the women with low-interest loans to finance their businesses.
Being able to be financially independent is so important post-incarceration. I met Syson, who is a farmer. She currently has several cows and she sells milk daily for income. I also met Pastor Joy who has three piglets that she feeds and cares for, and as they mature she will sell the pigs for a profit.
Both of these women reminded me of Jesus and the five loaves of bread and two fish. In the Bible story, Jesus blesses what seems to be little, yet in His hands it is multiplied and ends up feeding thousands.
I enjoyed watching Syson proudly show her four cows and Pastor Joy show her three pigs. Although they desire more animals for their respective businesses, they are working what they have. As I think about my business, Sew Hope, and how I want God to bless, increase and favor my business, it was a great reminder to see Syson and Pastor Joy use their "5 and 2"trusting God to multiply and increase.
It's Okay to Not Know All the Details
I'm a planner, and serving as one of the team leaders, I did my best to prepare our team for our time in Uganda. However, there were just some things I could not prepare for. One of our hosts in Uganda abruptly left her post prior to our arrival, and so there were a lot of details that were unknown.
I was slightly worried, and wondered how I would fare as a team leader, but God stepped in and our trip was smooth, there was great unity amongst our team, and our partner organization, Wells of Hope ministries, made sure we were taken care of.
God made sure all of the details regarding the Jewel Warrior conference were attended to. In fact, the first night one person accepted the call to receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior, and by the end of the conference, six women were baptized. I had no idea how God was going to touch and infiltrate the hearts of the women who would attend this conference, but God knew.
Perhaps you are in a situation where you don't know how God is going to provide you the resources; perhaps you think that what you have is inadequate, or you may find yourself in a situation where you are afraid to move forward because you don't know how God is going to work everything out.
I want to encourage you to know that God is faithful, and He can use unlikely people in unlikely situations to bless you, don't be afraid to use what you have, as He has the power to bless it and increase it; and when you find yourself in a situation where you feel helpless and out of control...that's the perfect set up for God to step in and and perform a miracle!
Hi, my name is Kacie Starr Long. I am an author, and speaker and I love to use my voice to point people to Jesus. When I'm not writing, I'm either working out at Orange Theory Fitness or sewing. I'm in recovery from compulsive overeating and I have a sewing ministry, called the Sew Hope Community Sewing Room. I am the proud wife of Alfred T. Long, Sr and together we lead a non-profit that serves prisoners and their families. Connect with me at and via my YouTube page for Christian teachings and encouragement.