By: Kacie Starr Long
I don't necessarily like to work out.
I go to the gym several times a week for varying reasons: I don't feel good when I'm overweight, I enjoy the results of working out and I really believe that God wants me to take care of my body.
I work out at a unique gym, OrangeTheory Fitness and there is a focus on high-interval training and weights. I shower afterward in the gym locker room, and yes --- I'm guilty of taking (a wee bit self-indulgent) gym selfies of me flexing in the mirror.
My husband, Alfred used to joke about my arms resembling pipe cleaners (read: puny) and as time in the gym has increased I have been encouraged to see some muscle definition with my "pipe cleaners."
The truth is, that while I am grateful for health and physical strength, I find myself really seeking God to help me with my mental strength. If I am not careful, I can allow anxious thoughts and "what-ifs" to cloud my thinking and become overwhelmed, and overly stressed, and then I have a mental shut-down which is not fun.
Our scripture this week is designed to counterattack Satan's plan to have you or me shut down. This kickboxing scripture provides a black eye and gut punch to every spirit of weariness, fatigue, stress, and overwhelmingness.
"But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
This scripture provides comfort. At the time, Isaiah prophesied to the Israelites, in spite of their sin --- God is going to send comfort and restoration to His people.
I am in the process of trying to stay atop housework, being a loving wife to Alfred, developing new processes and procedures for my business, seeking grant funding, and trying to remain in the will of God...its a lot. And I can imagine, that you too are juggling many different responsibilities, which is why it's so important that we settle down and allow the word of God to set the pace for our life.
So, let's break down our scripture for the week in Isaiah 40:31:
"But those who TRUST IN the Lord will FIND NEW strength..."
Let's find NEW strength that comes from God.
Recently, I've felt God caution me against consuming caffeine. I've never been a coffee drinker, but I do like green tea, and many years ago, would drink energy drinks. I've stopped drinking energy drinks, but have been tempted to resume my habit of downing 1,000,000 Red Bulls for the extra "boost" of caffeine to power through meetings, and tedious tasks that require brain power and creativity.
I have felt an impression from God, that He doesn't want me to run to caffeine for my power fix, but instead He wants me to come to Him for energy and strength. I've done research on how energy drinks are not healthy, and when I think back on how my body reacted after drinking energy drinks in my 20's, I know that God is right, but...honestly, I have obeyed God a bit grudgingly about not consuming energy drinks (I'm working on my attitude); because I know God is teaching me to rely on Him to be my source of strength and not relying on energy drinks.
When we feel tired, depleted, and/or overwhelmed; and when we TRUST in the Lord, we will FIND new strength to do everything God has called us to do. God wants to be our source. He will give us everything we need.
"...they will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."
Alfred loves eagles. One time we went to a bird conservatory and were able to learn about eagles and their habits. When eagles fly, they don't continuously flap their wings, they soar. It's a graceful, powerful glide through the air, and it's breathtaking to watch. I have a friend that reads my blog posts, and she always encourages me and says, "I don't know how you have the energy to do everything that you do." After she said this to me a few times, I realized that it is God who has given me the strength to do each and every assignment.
Some may wonder how you are able to work your full-time job or stay at home with your kids.
How you are able to run your business, or care for your loved one, as you trust God for healing in your body.
The truth is that God gives us the grace to soar over our circumstances and ultimately achieve victory.
This doesn't mean that we don't get tired, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It means that God gives us grace to not throw in the towel or give up! There have been times, in the midst of writing grants for a non-profit that Al and I lead, when I have wanted to give up. There have been times when I wanted to cry, scream and throw my hands up in the air. Some of the grant application questions were complex, or the applications so lengthy, that doubt would scream and suggest: "What's the use of spending all this time to fill out this application? You probably won't get grant funding anyway."
Despite the frustration and the lies from the enemy, I would keep plugging along anyway. Taking deep breaths, and praying silently as I completed every application.
Do you know that over the past two years, our organization has received over $60,000.00 in grant funding? 90% of these applications, I felt like giving up. I felt overwhelmed, and the spirits of doubt and unbelief, did their best to snake around my mind and heart, yet God, gave me the grace to run and not grow weary. He gave me the grace to walk and not faint.
God is going to do the same for you. In life, you are going to feel tired. You are going to have anxious moments, but our scripture assures us that God will renew our strength and give us the grace to soar, walk and run throughout our journey. God is with us!
"But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
Friend, will you trust in the Lord regardless of what your situation looks like?
Will you make the decision that you are going to trust in God?
The slogan for Red Bull energy drinks is "it gives you wings." However, we know that once we make the decision to trust in God, He gives us the grace to "soar high on wings like an eagle." The strength to soar as an eagle will never run out. We won't have to run to another source to get another "fix" or down another can of Red Bull to complete our assignment. By God's grace, His strength will sustain us "to run and not get weary, and to walk and not faint.
Let's Discuss:
I want to hear from you in the comments. What is God saying to you about this scripture?
How will you apply this scripture to your life when you feel mentally overwhelmed or exhausted?
PS: If you're just joining us, we're in the midst of a journey where we are learning to fall in love with God's Word.
Each week, I share a scripture and devotional-style blog post that will be sent to your inbox. To receive the devotional emails, all you have to do is subscribe to my blog. I welcome you to join me and, feel free to share with a friend. Let's fall in love with God's Word as we explore His love letter to us.
Hi, my name is Kacie Starr Long. I am an author, and speaker and I love to use my voice to point people to Jesus. When I'm not writing, I'm either working out at Orange Theory Fitness or sewing. God delivered me from food addiction and I have a sewing ministry, called the Sew Hope Community Sewing Room. I am the proud wife of Alfred T. Long, Sr and together we lead a non-profit that serves prisoners and their families. Connect with me at and via my YouTube page for Christian teachings and encouragement.