I'm making an effort to study and memorize scripture each week. There are several reasons to embark on this journey, but most importantly I realize how necessary and vital it is to have the word of God in ME.
Psalms 119 informs us that God's word is like a lamp for our feet and a light to our path. We need God's word to direct and guide us. Additionally, remember how Jesus fought the devil in the wilderness? In Matthew 4, Jesus overcame the temptation of the devil by reciting God's word.
There will be a day, that I can stand like Jesus; and eloquently refute the lies and deceit spewed by Satan with the written word of God. I'm prayerful about this, and I know this is God's will -- not just for me, but all of us to have the word of God deep in our hearts. God created His word for us as believers in the body of Christ to enjoy, but most importantly to know and believe. So I hope you too, will feel encouraged by this post to study and learn scriptures throughout this year.
This week's scripture is Isaiah 55:10-11, and I chose this scripture because I needed to be reminded of how true and faithful God is to performing His word. Read what the prophet Isaiah says regarding how faithful God is to His word:
"As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. "
This scripture reminds me that God always backs up His word, regardless of the circumstances or how the situation may seem. In its context, the Prophet Isaiah uses these words to encourage and give hope to a new generation of Jews that were returning to their homeland after years of exile.
They had heard of God's wonderful promises, yet upon their return, they were faced with a city that was in total disrepair. There were no walls to protect the city, the land was uncultivated, the land was in total decay and disrepair. Yet, God spoke through Prophet Isaiah with a word of hope: God wouldn't allow the rain and snow to return to heaven WITHOUT doing what it was supposed to do, and so the same it was with His word. He had spoken that the people would be blessed, and despite what the current situation and circumstance seemed, His word remained true.
That good news applies to us as believers in the body of Christ. Prophet Isaiah's words encourage us that God is faithful to His written word, spoken word and even what He reveals to us in dreams and visions -- His word will not return to Him empty, but WILL accomplish HIS desire and purpose for which He sent it.
There are some things God has spoken to me and Alfred concerning our family, our ministry and our finances. Oh, how these things seem highly unlikely in the natural, but we HOLD FAST to God's word and understand, regardless of what it may look like in the natural, and regardless of the current circumstances, God's word will NOT return to Him empty! How refreshing is it to know that we serve a God that always backs up His word and is faithful to perform it.
If you haven't had a chance, visit my new online boutique, This is a venture that God has spoken several times over my life, and it's so exciting to see how it's all coming into fruition. Remember, God's word will never return to Him empty. Hallelujah! I'll be back next week with a new scripture.
In the comments section, what scripture God has placed on your heart? Please share! Let's learn, study and memorize scripture together.
Kacie Starr Long is an author, talk show host and the proud wife of Alfred T. Long Sr. When not writing, Kacie enjoys sewing. She is the founder of Sew Hope, a sewing school for previously incarcerated men and women. Connect with Kacie at www.InspiredOverflow.com and via her YouTube page for more inspiration and encouragement.